Nippon Bonsai Sakka Kyookai Europe (NBSKE) is an international association which was created in year 2000 by Nippon Bonsai Sakka Kyookai Japan (NBSK), after the members of the Japanese association had seen that some of the European members had the appropriate qualities to spread in Europe the Japanese spirit of making bonsai trees in a classic and natural way.

NBSK's creation, as well as NBSKEE's, had the objective of maintaining the traditional bonsai and its philosophy , which nowadays is getting lost. Some years later, seeing that there were different Spanish members willing to keep the same philosophy and tradition of bonsai art, the Spanish filial of the Nippon Bonsai Sakka Kyookai Europe was created, the NBSKE-España (NBSKE-ES), which was founded in 2012.

In order to reach the objectives established by NBSK, the association organises different activities which are focused on studying the aesthetics and the cultivation techniques of the tree and have also the control of the exhibition method as well as other Japanese traditional arts, because a lot of aspects in bonsai art need the knowledge of the culture in which it has its origins. The different arts, although they may seem different, have aspects in common and the fact of knowing one of these arts helps understanding the others.

The Japanese association gives its support when the most important events take place, and helps the European and the Spanish associations  by sending some of its most important masters: Tomio Yamada, Kunio Kobayashi, Hideo Suzuki, Motosuke Hamano, Chiaru Imai, Isao Fukita, Susumo Sudo, and others, who take part in the different events by transmitting their knowledge, which helps the European and Spanish members to increase the level of their bonsai ad philosophic knowledge.

 NBSKE is formed by professionals, amateurs and sympathisers of different European countries (Italian, Swiss, Austrian, German, French, Slovene, Slovakian, Czech, Dutch, Portuguese and Spanish).

As other associations inside NBSK, NBSKEEE is not an association aiming to search or recruit members. Its members are professionals and amateurs which become members because they are looking for the philosophy and the harmony of making bonsai in a classic and natural way. The association escapes from attracting attention and personal egos, there are not  any awards in its exhibitions, we are looking for humility. The activities organised by the association are for  everyone who wants to join. Although we organise some activities which are only for members, most of the activities organised by NBSKEE are free and open for everyone who wants to participate.


NBSKEE's exhibitions follow the traditional Japanese displaying method, which says that the trees'/suiseki's location is delimited with wide displaying spaces which makes the spectator appreciate each element without distractions. The selection of elements to be displayed is made taking onto account the beauty  of individual subjects aiming to reach a wide and balanced exhibition, where there is a combination of different tree species, styles, sizes, etc. so that the whole exhibition is harmonic.

In order to be displayed, a tree must have been owned by the exhibitor at least during five years before being displayed. It is not an award, the association doesn't like protagonisms nor egos. Everything belongs to everybody. The elements which are going to be displayed are selected by a commissary or two, who must be effective members of NBSKE and choose the trees, suiseki and kusamono following different aesthetic criteria and depending on their characteristics so that the final result is an exhibition with harmony and following the rules established by NBSK association.

The same way there is no award, the owners' names do not appear in the exhibition, because the most important thing in the exhibition art the bonsai trees, suiseki or kusamono, it is not important who has created them, the important thing is that the spectator enjoys the beauty of each element and is able to value them for what they are, for the sensations they cause.

The exhibitions and activities organised by NBSKE and NBSKEE have the participación of the members, who organise, prepare and collaborate, taking into account the smallest detail, sharing tasks, materials, experiences in a pleasant atmosphere and senerity


NBSKEE organises two kinds of events:

- Sakka Ten, is the international Congress of NBSKE. Is the most important event amongst the activities organised by NBSKE and in which all the members around Europe take part, included NBSKEE's members. Its a congress which has the objective of giving back to bonsai its traditional shape, being loyal to its original values. It takes place every two years (pair years) and is celebrated each time in a different location in Europe. IT is an event that, due to its international event, makes it possible to know and exchange experiences with bonsai amateurs coming from different countries around Europe. It is an event which is organised with the collaboration of clubs in the city or region where it is held and that are also members of the NBSKE. Next Sakka Ten will be in 2018 in Alcalà de Xivert (Spain).

- NBSKEE's Congress, is the national Congress which takes place in Spain on the odd years, when there isn't Sakka Ten Congress. It is organised by NBSKEE with the collaboration of Spanish clubs and members. The aim is to create a cultural event in which the members of the association can join, exchange opinions, share, learn... During this Congress, as well as other activities related to Japanese culture and traditional arts, the members prepare an exhibition with their best bonsai trees, suiseki and kusamono.


Inside the association, there are two kinds of members:
  • Maintaining members (are most of them, in Europe more than 300). They maintain the association and take part in its activities.
  • Effective members (28 around Europe). Are those who lead the association and also those who are the guardians of the association's spirit.
The government of NBSKE, is lead by its directive council, formed by 6 people elected from the effective members. NBSKEE, which only has 2 effective members, has also some maintaining members inside the directive council, while the association is growing up.

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